Saturday, December 26, 2015

                                      SURVIVAL, TRADE, AND BARTER 

The following is just a guideline of survival, trade, and barter items.  You may want to make this list fit into your anticipated needs in a time of national crisis when a hospital, paramedic, or ambulance cannot be summoned or utilized.  We aren't discussing "bugging out", we are only talking about a national crisis for which one would stay in place.  Bug out bags and bug out plans can be discussed also; or even planned for, but, we can do that later on this page.  

Trade and barter in times of crisis:  All interchangeable for use, trade, and barter!  

                                                           MEDICATION and TREATMENT 

Lice Treatment, Anti-fungal creams, itch creams, pain relief, antibiotics and associated medication, bandages, alcohol and peroxide, skin lotion, waterless shampoo and skin cleanser, heartburn medication, cough medication, throat lozenges, craft sticks for small splints, anti-diarrhea medication, Metamucil, Baking Soda, Honey (natural antibiotic) Black Tea, Cotton balls and cotton fabric for wounds, Vaseline, Benadryl, Vapo rub, joint and muscle rub, razors, hair pins, safety pins, nail files, nail clippers, combs, brushes, tooth paste and tooth brushes, mouthwash, menstrual pads, small hand towels, 


Plastic garbage bags, cat litter and buckets for toileting, toilet paper,( having a medical potty chair will work great with kitty litter)  coffee filters, extra large garbage disposal bins, rodent, ant, bug killer,  Bleach, good working bicycle for emergency travel if gas or vehicle can't be used, a small library of reading and writing materials, (May need to write and communicate with paper and pen and may need reading for relaxation), batteries, small camping radio, tobacco, (can barter or trade if you don't use tobacco), rope and or para cord, cloths pins, sleeping bags if possible for winter months, thermal underwear for winter months, survival knives, straws and q-tips, flashlights, whistles, noise makers, 


One good trip to the Goodwill or Salvation Army will yield most of the items you would need in a time of crisis.. be creative too!  

Extra blankets and warmers, candles, lanterns and lamp oil, fire starters, (if you have a wood burning stove, lots of wood), air-activated heat pads, alternative cook top and cook ware, (If you can, get tarps or small tents, in a large room; you can construct the tent and the family can use this as a small shelter for warmth in the winter.  Body heat is a good source of heat. )  hammer and nails, tools, non-electric can openers, camp-style coffee pots, straws, q-tips, a good new broom, deodorant, fire extinguishers, 


Spices, cooking oil, flour, corn starch, baking powder, vanilla, coffee, tea, water supply and water filter tablets, powdered milk and eggs and butter or margarine, peanut butter, oatmeal,  ( if you aren't a cook, a good basic cook book ), measuring cups and spoons, plastic or wooden cooking spoons and spatulas, containers and bowls, plates and cups; can be plastic or paper.. noodles, beans, rice, flavor packets, dried  potatoes, canned foods, pancake mix and syrup, corn bread mix, muffin mix, crackers, (eat and replace as you go), sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, 

** SOME TIPS*** 

* Make sure laundry is done on a regular basis so clothing is clean and ready

* Keep survival items in a designated place in your home

* Have some things on hand that you may not use but your neighbors can use such as (for example) cat or dog food, baby food and supplies.. I don't have babies but I have a lot of extra baby clothing, baby bed sheets, pacifiers and bottles, etc on hand for this purpose.  

* Do survival drills often.  Designate places for things and each member of the household responsible for certain tasks.. be ready! 

* Practice an entire weekend without electricity, phone service or internet, washer/dryer, showers, television, etc.  (For showers, I use a one gallon milk carton with small hole punchers on the bottom and a handle for hanging in the shower.  I have a shower stool that just fits and sit under that gallon of water as it trickles down.  I also use waterless skin cleanser).. you can buy camping shower set ups too; but they use a lot of water and in a time when water is at a premium; you may want to have a plan) This practice drill can be done with participating friends or neighbors who also want to be prepared.  Things will come up that you didn't think of and in that case, you will know what you could be facing. 

* If it is winter; use rain water or snow for showers.  Two years ago, we had a huge snow fall and I gathered the snow, melted it and used it for showering.. (practice run) 

* If it is summer and hot; sleep in the daytime if possible and work at night.  You will preserve water supplies this way also.  You'll need to stay cool if you are without air conditioning; so small battery-operated fans do work well.  You can also gather small spray bottles and fill with water and just mist yourself before operating the fans.. (watch water supply though) *Make sure you have plenty of batteries already on hand.  Shopping at the last minute won't work in a crisis.  The stores will be sold out and you will have only what you have pre planned for. 

* Invest in a first-aid booklet or book.  Keep on hand and study before a crisis. File your medication sheets from your pharmacy away; and use in emergencies if you are not sure of information.  Start a journal of OTC (over the counter) instructions for medications if you throw boxes or labels away.  Make sure you follow instructions for age groups and contra-indications on the instructions.. do not give medication to anyone outside of your family; all mediation can be harmful in any different situation.  Always check with your doctor and ask about crisis situations for prescription medication.  

* If you can take and keep up on first aid classes, I would do that. 

* Keep in mind; a national or community crisis can occur fast and without warning.  There will be people caught completely unprepared and they will bombard the stores if possible.. supplies may be stopped and stores will run out.. panic can set in too.. Your biggest ally is you and your willingness to get ready and be ready.. noting is wasted when you use as you go and restock when you use.  

* Keep in mind, in a crisis situation, banks will not be operating and you will run out of money; have trade items already in stock at home to use for money.  Life, in a crisis, will NOT be as usual.  This is why you will need to think and practice and prepare.  

* Plan to have extra snow boots, socks, tennis shoes, and other types of foot wear available to you.  

* Plan to have extra gloves, hats, and sweaters available to you. 

* BE PREPARED ALWAYS TO PROTECT YOUR SURVIVAL SUPPLY-  As I said, there will be and are those out there who will not be involved in survival of a crisis.  At some point, reality will set in, maybe panic, and people behave in ways they wouldn't when on the grid... so; please; keep this in mind.  It is impossible for you to prepare for you, your family, and thousands or hundreds of other people who did not prepare.  This is no time for guilt.. this is survival and you did your work ahead of time.. bless you for that!  Now, you will see humanity turn into scavengers almost; and it isn't cute; so do your research here too. 

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